Hello everyone, Happy New Year! While I was sick I made some new guns for Bitgirl...
I made a MAC 10 model so Bitgirl can spray 'n' pray, Pico style!
I also made her an AK 47 for guerillamaxxing... but that's not all...
I've uploaded a blend file to Sketchfab containing Bitgirl's gun collection so that y'all can use her gun models for making art, 3D animations, etc. That's right! A blend file containing four guns: a USP45, a MAC10, a G36C and an AK47.
I high key made these to save 3D animators and artists on Newgrounds the effort of modeling guns so that y'all can have more time to do other cool stuff. The guns include some basic rigs with some restraints for weapon handling animations and the flat shader I use to make them look stylized. Feel free to use these for whatever you want. You can use them as drawing reference, for making 3D animations & more! (I made the MAC 10s for the Pico fans out there. I noticed there are some 3D animators making Pico stuff and I was inspired to make these with them in mind.) The only thing I ask you in return is that you properly attribute me as their modeler if you end up using them.
You can download the gun collection here >>> PinmoBOT's Gun Collection 01
Hope this can be of some use to y'all in making more cool stuff here on NG. If these are able to contribute to the Newgrounds art community in any way, then I might make some more in the future. For a while I've been fantasizing about making a 3D Madness animation... or a 3D animation of Pico going bananas, but I feasibly cannot do it all by myself (at least not yet). If you can do it, then let these be of aid to you in your journey! Go crazy!
Alright, I'm gonna go and hit the gym! Sayonara bitches.
heck yea! nice models!